Fit4Life Monroe County's Finest Fitness Center For All Ages And Abilities

 Member of the Month
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Fit4Life Member of the Month
February 2013
February 2013 Member of the Month
Tim Calkins

My fitness really started when I was younger and in sports. Until 5 yrs. ago I could eat everything I wanted.

When my daughter was born I was still slim and fit looking but not where I wanted to be as a role model for my kids. I wanted to be “THAT DAD” THAT OTHER KIDS WERE LIKE “WOW!

Keeping up with children’s energy is tough! When my daughter was born I decided something had to change! I quit smoking on my own and quit eating crappy foods and pop.

When I started making healthier choices I was using home equipment and bars we made at work. I worked out during my break time at work. I began to see progress and I knew I wanted to take my fitness to the next level. I had 2 children at that point that loved being thrown up in the air and caught which was hard for me as they both weighed between 20 and 35 pounds.

I started calling gyms in the area to inquire. I came across Fit4Life which fit the bill nicely. It had more free weights and space than any gym in the area!

5 years ago, I weighed 146 pounds, slim with some muscle definition. Currently, I am 181 pounds of lean muscle that has taken years to build without taking supplements. I maintain a good diet and drink LOTS of water!

My eating consists of milk, eggs, chicken and veggies. A good diet, good people, sleep and exercise make for a great life and I encourage everyone to check out or join Fit4Life. I have recruited 3 people!

Thanks for the member of the month, Kammie and Crew! I have literally worked my butt off!”

Tim Calkins -Age 31

I see Tim come in to work out with his friends EVERYDAY after work. He is an inspiration to any young man and especially young dads with poor habits! Tim’s muscle mass is quite impressive, especially knowing that it has happened because of his frequent and intense workouts and eating habits! You are a role model for others to follow and living proof that with some effort, you can make your health go from average to SUPER!

Tim does intense strength training, functional training & cardio. He doesn't just focus on lifting weights...he does it all.

Keep inspiring other young men and inviting them to join you at Fit4Life! Your results are amazing, Tim!

-Coach Kammie

(SEE Past Members of the Month-CLICK HERE)
