Fit4Life Monroe County's Finest Fitness Center For All Ages And Abilities

 Member of the Month
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Fit4Life Member of the Month
November 2017
November 2017 Member of the Month
Brittany Herricks

A year ago did I think that I would be going to the gym 4 to 5 times a week, no! As most people tend to be nervous when they begin a gym membership, I too fell victim of this nervousness, but soon New Year’s came around and instead of making the Resolution of "I want to work out and live a healthier lifestyle", my Resolution became "I want to gain the confidence to work out in front of other without feeling nervous" and so I did.

You learn fairly quickly that people aren’t there to stare or judge you, most of them are actually impressed that you are even there to begin with.

We all have goals that we want to reach when it comes to fitness and some are harder to accomplish than others. At Fit4Life you have the ability to work out on your own or with someone, the options are endless. The variety of equipment is endless, which allows for variety if you want to try something new.

I have learned in recent months that I am a calmer person after I work out because it tends to relieve my daily stress, there are days that I will come to the gym during my lunch hour so when I go back to work the previous items that bothered me before are put at bay or I have a different angle/idea to attack from.

-Brittany Herricks

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